In preparation for our trip I (Steve) needed to get up to speed with farming both mentally and physically. My bro is more seasoned at organic farming and for the past two years, he's been with Plan B Organic farm (see link below). We've been assisting them with the green house beds for some early spring crops. It's an amazing feeling to be a part of this process. I can really appreciate the amount of effort that goes into this type of farming and the quality food they provide to the golden horseshoe. It's nice to know the food produced from my efforts will be healthy and petro-chemical free. My brother explained it best, "Eating conventional food would be like going up to a gas pump and asking the attendant for some oil with your meal, fill er up!" A little harsh but that's the reality of it.
We will be working at quite a few organic farms and WWOOF'ing (willing workers on organic farms) to earn our food and keep. The rule of thumb is you have to work 6 hours minimal but I'm sure we'll be putting in whole days at the farms.
It's been great to physically exert myself and hit muscles that I forgot existed. The Venturelli brothers (2 of the founders of Plan B) have been kicking my butt at ping pong in one of the empty green houses. It's been about -10 all week but in the green houses it's been 12-15 degrees Celsius. I think when I'm done this tour I might come back for a season or two at the farm. I've met some of the most amazing people at the farm and I need to work on my ping pong game. The food I've been putting in me has been phenomenal. It's really a win win situation all around, I'm building up my karma points for sure.
We still haven't booked an official flight yet but we'll probably know by the end of the week for our departure date.