The tale of two hammers...

Saturday, February 12, 2005


So here it is, the online journal of the biggest journey in my life. The updates will be in collaboration from my brother Kevin and myself (Steve).

The shaping of my journey.

My younger brother had a plan, 2005 Europe to Asia. He's travelled coast to coast on two other continents, Australia and Canada. I envied him with all the tales he had about the amazing people and places he had visited. I travelled with him from Tobermory down to Hamilton on his way across Canada. I didn't think about work, my bills or any other stress in my life. I met some of the most incredible people on that ride and it set me free. There was much more to life and the way I was living was unfullfilling and full of limitation. I knew something was fundamentally wrong. The 9 to 5 was limiting my life. Like a majority of the populous, I was playing the game to keep up with the Jones. This threw me into debt, I began to view this a form of slavery in an econmic sense. I imposed this upon myself, these material possessions ended up owning me, how ironic??? It was always a choice not to fall in to the trap but I got sucked in. I had normal TV diet which ultimately led me to an unhealthy lifestyle of stress, obesity, boredom. I followed the masses and and I started to see the transparency, I began to see the world in a different light. I'll never be able to go back now that my eyes have been opened.

So here I am shedding the skin of a former lifestyle to begin a journey that will shape my life and forever change me. Keep posted for more to come.