Motorcycles and Beer, and did I mention beer?

Timisoara Romania was a stop to remember. We hooked up with some awesome people here and we had such a good time we ended up staying a week longer than we expected. Our two hosts Anemaria and Mihai were fabulous, taking us around town and showing us the sights of the 4th largest city in Romania. Kevin and I split up for a few days to keep our sanity, but I feel we have got past much of any petty bickering we have endured through our travels.
We left Timisoara to meet up with some of Annemaria's friends in a town called Resita. They were motorcycle enthuisists and defintitely the best motorcycle gang in Romania. They showed us a good time in Resita which was a similiar city to our hometown of Hamilton (steel producing industrial city). The beer was dirt cheap here in Romania and we were told by our friend Mihai that Romania's first national sport was Football (soccer) and second national sport was drinking... too funny.
We were invited to attend a biker party and headed back to Timisoara and decided to experience the meeting. We joined the Street Wolves pack formerly the MF's from Hell. We had a blast and some good pictures from the weekend that we will be posting shortly. The hospitality we were shown by the Romanian people was out of this world. We could not pay for anything as our hosts would not accept our money. Kevin eventually had to quickly pay for a round once and a while.
Fabi, Muti, Gabi, Flavius, Marius, Vio, Costi and everyone else helped us feel like we have been best friends for years. We had our first bicycle pack as Fabian and Gabi decided to join us on a 130Km ride to and beautiful city called Herculaine. Fabi could only ride a with us for 30K because of other priorities but Gabi joined us for the entire 130!! What a trooper, he had not been out on a bike in about 6 years, I had some doubts if he was going to make it. He was the Man!!! We arrived in Herculaine which was the place where Hercules would stay to relax and soak in the natural Hot Springs. We had a long day and it was dark out so we grabbed some Schnapps to relax with in the springs. Beautiful half naked Romanian women and a hot spring was defintitely the highlight of the night... whoa!!!
We stayed in this beautiful valley surrounded by limestone cliffs in this picturesque setting in the south west part of the Carpatian mountains. Mama Doina hosted us in Herculaine. She has a wealth of knowledge about natural medicine and homoepathic properties of the surrounding encvirontment. People in Romania have a good sense about what is important in life. I feel more and more that I will not remain in Canada as people have lost themselves to a system that will eat itself.
The one downfall in Romania would have to be the lack of proper garbage maintenance. Most river ways were polluted and roadways were littered. It is unfortunate but in the country has only experienced "freedom" for the past 15 years and is still in it's infancy for a developing country. Like most politicians the rich are making decisions to further fill their pockets for personal interests like the rest of the world... it's a sad state politically everywhere.
Romania is definitely a place I think I could live in to help promote environmental change. They share similiar philosophies and live for needs more than wants in life. One day North America will have to share this point of view as our mispending of natural resources will bite us back...